Warm air rises because it is lighter than cool air. In commercial buildings such as factories, warehouses, retail space and workshops, the warm air generated by machinery, workers and customers rises into the roof space. Additionally, the sun can heat the air in the roof space to over 60C (140F) heating the air and the structure of the building and the cooler air below. If the roof is not properly insulated, the problem is only amplified. It was assumed that the most effective way to remove this hot trapped air is to install extractor fans to exhaust the air from the ceiling. While this can remove the hot air that gathers in the roof space, it does very little to make employees and customers feel more comfortable at ground level. BladeTec High Volume/Low Speed (HVLS) solves the problem!Warm air rises because it is lighter than cool air. In commercial buildings such as factories, warehouses, retail space and workshops, the warm air generated by machinery, workers and customers rises into the roof space. Additionally, the sun can heat the air in the roof space to over 60C (140F) heating the air and the structure of the building and the cooler air below. If the roof is not properly insulated, the problem is only amplified. It was assumed that the most effective way to remove this hot trapped air is to install extractor fans to exhaust the air from the ceiling. While this can remove the hot air that gathers in the roof space, it does very little to make employees and customers feel more comfortable at ground level. BladeTec High Volume/Low Speed (HVLS) solves the problem! By installing fresh air supply intake fans and a HVLS Ceiling fans, the air inside the space preventing the buildup of hot air in the first place. At the same time, a HVLS fan will provide a breeze that effectively cools people at ground level. A BladeTec HVLS fan, which covers an area of 30 meters in all directions, provides movement of air that can decrease the perceived temperature felt by workers, customers and employees by as much as 8 degrees C in large spaces. Its layout is based on the concept of how air velocities can produce a perceived range of temperature drops at varying distances from the center of the fan. Additionally, each BladeTec model has its own Area of Influence. The larger the fan, the larger the Area of Influence. If you already have a fan installed, the product can be used in conjunction with an existing fan. The extractor can be controlled to exhaust any buildup of hot air in the space during unoccupied times. When the building is occupied, simply switch off the extractor fan and allow the supply and the HVLS fan to better circulate the air and provide a cool breeze to the people in the space. It operates at very low revolutions per minute and is extremely energy efficient. When used in conjunction with fresh air supply fans, the BladeTec HVLS fan not only help better mix the air and lower the overall temperature in the building but also provide effective cooling for everyone in the space. A much better solution in this Extreme Application.