Specifically designed for air dispersion in critical environments are LabSox and KitchenSox by DuctSox. Specifically designed for air dispersion in critical environments are LabSox and KitchenSox by DuctSox. LabSox are fabric air dispersion devices for laboratory environments that combine airflow design knowledge with our highest fabric technology and precisely shaped panels. Airflow in laboratories is a critical design factor as turbulent, non-uniform air can cause failure or impact the final research results. Applications such as wet chemistry labs, lasers, optical devices, paint facilities, wet chemistry labs and many more, all require a sensitive airflow supply.LabSox provide uniform, low velocity air discharge, improving hood capture and minimizing disruption for sensitive laboratory research. LabSox can be used in both new laboratories as well as existing facilities.Features, Advantages, and Benefits:•Low discharge velocity as air passes through permeable fabric.•Reduced noise: fabric air dispersion products offer noise levels at least 10NC more quite than traditional metal duct work.•RxFabric: specifically designed for critical environments, highly permeable, antimicrobial, filament thread fabric made from up to 50% post-recycled content.•Flexibility of choice: apart from traditional cylindrical and surface mount configurations, LabSox also offers the innovative D-fuser options for easy installation and maintenance.•Filtration options include back pan as well as the unique D-Fuser Filter face.KitchenSox offer better air dispersion alternatives for food processing environments. A perfect solution for commercial kitchens, KitchenSox by DuctSox positively affects hood performance, cleanliness, food safety, and employee comfort. Air is dispersed through a fabric faced D-Fuser reducing drafts and condensation. Because of the improved air distribution near a kitchen exhaust hood and a reduced exhaust airflow, KitchenSox helps to save energy while maintaining capture.•Air is evenly dispersed though porous fabric, which eliminates drafts and condensation that would normally occur on a traditional metal duct.•Reduced dirt deposits on diffuser and adjacent ceiling tiles.•Fabric can be easily removed and washed.•The porous fabric includes an antimicrobial treatment and may provide secondary filtration benefits.Two other products available for Critical Environments include: ChemSox, developed for chemically harsh environments such as metal planting, chemical processing battery manufacturing and other, as well as the D-Fuser Filter (for critical environments experiencing airborne pollution).